What is our VISION at TCA?

We exist to declare the good news (Gospel) of God’s unconditional Love (Grace) that reveals Jesus Christ.

Our MISSION for carrying that out

So that Jesus becomes real, relatable, and authentic to all people, bringing about change, through gospel centered preaching, equipping disciples based on biblical identity and understanding of righteousness, setting ppl on mission to expand the kingdom of heaven in all atmospheres. 

Our Core Values


Undeserved, unearned, unmerited favor from God is our culture and is cemented in our minds. Knowing this gives us an attitude of gratitude no matter what life’s challenges for the church and personal life may bring. (Ephesians 2:8-10)


Carries with it the connotation that ones internal content is clean and the light that is in them can shine into the world around them. Without pretense. Without worry of anothers impression of you. What you see & hear is what’s inside. (James 5:16, Mathew 5:15-16) 


Genuineness knowing that apart from God we can do nothing (Romans 12:3). Reading a book is not knowing the author. Authenticity is when a book is read by the author. When the author reads the book you fully understand every word spoken. You see the sigh’s, the tone of voice, the body language. Like genuine leather. Real.


Relationship and intimacy with the Lord that spills over into the world around us (James 4:8; 2 Cor 1:20; Psalms 73:28)


A place of unconditional love safety and gentle correction (Genesis 1-3)


One on one discipleship knowing without this the kingdom will not truly grow (Ephesians 4:3-16)


The Kingdom of God in the earth in expression through His authority. Heaven in the earth and all of its attributes (Luke 10:19, Mark 16:15-18)


The power of God, demonstration through the gifts of the spirit for the healing of the world and the church (1 Corinthians 12). Advocate, Comforter, Helper, Teacher, Father (John 14-16)


In all humility with the others in mind, and thier good, being able to speak in love one to another even when it hurts. (John 8:31-32)


As opposed to identity which is deduced from world view and its sum of success and what defines a good man or woman, our identity is in Christ Jesus. We have been made the righteous of God in Christ Jesus through the abundance of Grace (Romans 5:17, 2 Corinthians 5:21)

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