Our Pastors

Pastors Jonathan & Tracey Boggs
Pastor’s Jonathan and Tracey began following the call of God on their lives from the day they said “I do” back on January 4th, 2003. As newlyweds not knowing how, where, when or “if” God would use them they just began to serve where they were. From childhood God was drawing them to do more and were inspired to become involved in ministry. In 2005 Jonathan and Tracey received a phone call by the late Ansel E. Boggs, pastor Jonathan’s grandfather, to come and speak at the church he was interim pastoring at that time. Up until that time, Jonathan and Tracey had served on the leadership team at Beech Springs Church under the leadership of his aunt and uncle pastors Eric and Gena Boggs.
In 2007 Jonathan and Tracey stepped into full time ministry at what was then River Heights Worship Center. In 2012 God led Jonathan and Tracey to establish The Church of Anderson. Pastors Jonathan and Tracey are still pursuing the call of God on their lives today and believe the best days are ahead of them and the church.
Pastors Jonathan and Tracey have 3 wonderful children and reside in Belton, SC. They are family-oriented pastors and believe that their marriage and parenting is their 1st ministry before God. They believe God is good and is rich in mercy toward the whole world through His Son Jesus Christ! They remain steadfast and faithful to this call of God on their lives to this day at The Church of Anderson.